Texas Boy Survives Being Thrown by Deadly Tornado: ‘Absolute miracle’

A Texas family is rejoicing after their 7-year-old son survived being thrown by a deadly tornado in Abilene, Texas. The Lambert family spoke with told KWTX-TV where they recalled the scary day. They were hiding in a closet when a tornado ripped through their neighborhood, completely destroying their house. “We could hear the nails coming out of the boards and metal being ripped, but that’s all we could hear,” Kasey Lambert recalled. At some point while the tornado was hovering over them, Kasey lost her grip of her 7-year-old son, Lane. “Lane got sucked up in the tornado,” said Kasey’s cousin, Bradye, who set up a GoFundMe page for the family. “They couldn’t hold him down. It sucked him up and he flew like 25 feet. They thought he was gone.” Thankfully, the little boy landed on a pile of insulation from another destroyed house. According to the GoFundMe, Lane was most upset about missing his spelling test and upcoming baseball tournament. As for the rest of the family, Bradye gave an update on the Lambert’s younger daughter, Allie, along with Wes and Kasey. “Allie is still hoping we find her stuffy in the rubble, but she came out with only a couple of scratches. Wes has an injured knee & wrist. Kasey was hit by the water heater tank and very bruised on her side/back/ ribs and head.”

The aftermath was caught on camera while a storm chaser, Freddy McKinney, saw the family and  immediately rescued them and drove them to the hospital. “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh,” the storm chaser said in the video. “There are people. There are people. Get in the car, get in the car!” Every member of the Lambert family, including their dog, received medical treatment. While they home is destroyed, they are thankful to be alive and healing. “It is an absolute miracle,” Kasey Lambert said. “It was strong enough that we shouldn’t have been able to walk away.”

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